
This is my video "Whispers From Heaven". This song is from my album titled, "Whispers From Heaven". It is an aborted child speaking to her mother from heaven. The words were written by The Sisters of the Precious Blood in New York. These words were handed to me on a card one day when I was doing a concert in Virginia for a Pro-Life group. It wasn't until a few months later when I was singing at a conference that the card fell out of my purse and I began to read the words for the very first time. The melody to the words immediately started playing in my head and heart and I sat there on the sidewalk with my guitar and wrote the music in about 5 minutes. It is a song of healing for any woman who has had an abortion and regrets it or has lost a child in anyway. And for the fathers too that have lost children to abortion. May God have mercy on us all.
